miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

10° Post

Farewell our paradise <3

Post Ten

Hello Guys this will be the last post of this english blog </3, I think that this form of evaluation is pretty awesome. I really enjoyed this method of practice.

The theme of today post is about my relation with english in the near future (when this class will be over), I think that all my life english has been a piece of cake and that´s only because when I was a kid (even if you don´t believe me) I was a good student so when I had a grasp of the basics all the other things went in pretty easy.  

For the future I will travel abroad this summer so I will be using english all the time so in my case I´ll use what I learned this year to survive.
Resultado de imagen para english
Speaking about what I learned at the univesity frankly speaking this is the only course of english that I took so more than just learning new things it was more like remembering what I learned at school, Also I mentionated earlier but I will say it again (THIS BLOG IS AWESOME) I really enjoyed this class it was the most funny experience of using english in an academic field because the theme it´s so free that you don´t feel it like a homework.

i need to improve my speaking, i´m a really nervous person so when I speak in english normally I don´t feel secure of what i´m saying so I tend to do a lot of mistakes, reading and listening aren´t problems to me because i´m always listening anglo music (music in english) and trying to know what the hell they are singing.

As I mentioned I´m travelling to another country this summer and english will be my only medium of commuication (english will save my life from starving to death), usually I only use english for singing songs.  

I really hope you enjoyed this last post and this blog to.

3 comentarios:

  1. Blogs rulez! but sadly, all of the good things have to finish. Good luck on your trip and as a challenge try to understand just one song of arctic monkeys. Pretty impossible.
