jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016

7° Post - A.k.a Post Mortem 2

A new hope like in Star Wars

Post Seven: Summer Holidays

Hello judges this is my last missing post and it´s about my summer holidays

This January 29 I will travel abroad to Europe (wooooo), I will arrive to Rome the 30 of that month and I will be leaving from Madrid at March 2.

The reason of this trip is because my brother will be learning at an hospital in Slovakia this summer and my parents told me to go there to travel with him all February, I think that we will be doing autostop and we will stay at hostals and rooms at rent.

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I would want to visit all Europe but with a tight pocket it´s nearly impossible (look at those prices) so we will be going from Italy to Switzerland, then to France and finally Spain, I´m preparing myself for the best summer holiday of my life (winter where I´m going), In Europe with no parents (life looks bright).

I would love to know the Pizza tower or the Coliseum, maybe Venice, the Sagrada Familia cathedral, the Eiffel tower and the Alpes. Also I will like to go to every party that I can and try all the different drinks that I could. I´m really looking forward to this summer!

 This is the end of my last missing post and again thanks for reading, I  hope you enjoyed it.

6° Post - A.k.a Post Mortem 1

I was dead and now i´m rising

Post 6: My special talent

Well I know that it´s late to send it but i´m still on time (Thanks teacher for giving more time)
Today´s post is about my special talent.

Resultado de imagen para fantastic four elastic manMy talent is something that I noticed when I was like 14 -15 in that moment of my life I was growing up really fast (about 20 cms during those two years) and as you may guess I started getting more skinny so in one moment I discovered that my flexibility was amazing and that I was hyperlax, later I knew that it´s from family and that my big brother and some of my cousins are flexible too (but I don´t know if it´s good or bad because it´s a genetical illness), I can lick both elbows and put both feet behind my head at the same time ( thing that I don´t do very often because it´s embarrasing) the last thing that complete this talent is that my skin after I grew up became elastic and it´s cool (really cool).

Another good reason of this talent that i think that it´s like the super power of the elastic man from fantastic four it´s because when I was growing up I did Tae Kwon Do for about 6-8 months and my teacher was a maniac who always made the whole dojo do a lot of stretching work needed to do the acrobatic kicks.

Well this is the last thing of this post I hope you enjoyed it!

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

10° Post

Farewell our paradise <3

Post Ten

Hello Guys this will be the last post of this english blog </3, I think that this form of evaluation is pretty awesome. I really enjoyed this method of practice.

The theme of today post is about my relation with english in the near future (when this class will be over), I think that all my life english has been a piece of cake and that´s only because when I was a kid (even if you don´t believe me) I was a good student so when I had a grasp of the basics all the other things went in pretty easy.  

For the future I will travel abroad this summer so I will be using english all the time so in my case I´ll use what I learned this year to survive.
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Speaking about what I learned at the univesity frankly speaking this is the only course of english that I took so more than just learning new things it was more like remembering what I learned at school, Also I mentionated earlier but I will say it again (THIS BLOG IS AWESOME) I really enjoyed this class it was the most funny experience of using english in an academic field because the theme it´s so free that you don´t feel it like a homework.

i need to improve my speaking, i´m a really nervous person so when I speak in english normally I don´t feel secure of what i´m saying so I tend to do a lot of mistakes, reading and listening aren´t problems to me because i´m always listening anglo music (music in english) and trying to know what the hell they are singing.

As I mentioned I´m travelling to another country this summer and english will be my only medium of commuication (english will save my life from starving to death), usually I only use english for singing songs.  

I really hope you enjoyed this last post and this blog to.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

9° Post

This post is a bomb!!

9° Post

Post nine: My improvements to the career programme

Hello guys, today´s post is about the improvements that the university could do to the study programme of the career of Architecture (It´s calm like a bomb).

Well first of all right now the new programme it´s only starting so it´s normal to see some problems when it´s just the first timr that we are working like this. But even so the required hours of our daily lifetime it´s huge so it would be good if the university could lessen the hours needed per day. Also the carrer right now it´s a semester shorter that with the old programme so that it´s something nice but it´s still to long, ithink that if we could get our degree after five years it´s will be a good period of time.

Actually with the new programme we have the possibility to get a Magister and our degree as Architects at the same time so I think that it´s already awesome (really awesome), We need a better infrastructure (it sucks) right now!! It´s a shame that our faculty it´s so poor and the faculty from the other side of the fence so rich (It´s so unfare), at least I want some place to eat on summer or winter without being annoyed by the climatic disturbances or a place where we could stay doing nothing with cool things like sofas or places to take a nap (the students of architecture need to sleep on a decent place) 

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One of the most annoying problems is that THERE´S NO GOOD SIGNAL OR INTERNET IN THIS PLACE we really need internet open to all the people and with good signal (pls) this is our workplace and our work most of the time would require the internet to work. The other problem about the technology in this faculty it´s that we need some good ventilation system so we could stay in the night without the fear to die frozen here. 

I think that it´s a shame from the proffesors of workshop in this faculty to use so much time of the life of the people.. we really don´t need to be working all day and alll nigut to end a proyect.

Well guys with this i´m finishing the post of today what do you think about this? Leave a comment.