Hello again people!! This should be the four post but I didn´t came to class so it will be te second.So when I could get some time I wil upload the real post two and three.
Post Four: My future job
The post of today´s it´s about my future job.
I´m currently studying architecture so I guess that the most of you thought that I will refer to my future as an architect but that´s to boring so i prefer to talk about my ideal job to do after I retire from the architecture.
I would like to work in my own travel agency, so the things that I will do to achieve that dream will be saving money to travel around the world and prove all the tours that my agency sells to people and make the contracts with the hotels and the touristic places from the cities that I´d like to visit... and after all that I will sell all the contracts to a big company like latam or sky and make a huge money to keep travelling around the world for the rest of my days on this planet.
(I don´t know what other things i could put on this post so I will start giving the answers of the teacher blog)
It´s a work with a lot of work indoor and outdoor because of the companies to look for a contract and outdoors obvioulsy because you have to travell a lot and visit a lot of historical places.
If this fail´s my plan is to stay working on a beach in another country selling handicrafts and living relaxed only worried for eating and sleeping with a lot of peace. A really happy job.